Brenda's result You're a great friend! Congratulations! When a friend is in need, you are the gal to call. You can be trusted with secrets and are quick to yield a comfy shoulder to cry on. When the going gets tough, you almost always get going to see if you can be of assistance. You also know your boundaries and aren't afraid to take time out from a friendship when it's overwhelming you or compromising your feelings. You maintain an abundance of friends -- people you've kept up with through thick and thin and through all kinds of life changes.
"Listen to the music of your own heart and trust the passion that flows within every note. If the love is there, everything is going to be just fine, and I know the love is there. My wish is not to mean everything to everyone, but to mean something to someone."
» Name: Bubblygirl
» Home: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
» About Me: D.O.B: 11th October 1980
» See my complete profile
»Name: Alan Lee
»Home: Singapore
»About Me: Hardworking, down-to-earth person, loves to crack lame jokes, loves my wife, like to exercise more often
»Email: See my complete profile
Alan took the free personality test! » "Alert and keenly observant. Is seeking fresh avenu..." Click here to read the rest of the results.