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Friday, January 21, 2005

My zodiac is Libra and My hubby and my younger bro are Aquarius.

for 1/17 - 1/23 2005

What to expect this week: This is a week when we can descend into the past, reconnect with the source of our wounds, and begin the process of healing them. The trick is to bravely go where it hurts most, but with enough detachment to watch, learn and move on. Relationship issues can be attacked where we can do the most good, within ourselves. Blaming others or feeling guilty are detours from the path of love, don't take them.

ARIES (March 20–April 19)
High energy in the second half of the week brings out the adventurous side of your personality, Aries. Hanging with an overly sensitive individual is likely to cramp your style, so avoid those who can't take the noise, the passion or the intensity.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
Taking a leadership role puts you in the spotlight this week, Taurus. Even though the setting isn't romantic, it could lead to a personal connection. Just showing how comfortable you are with people could make someone want to get comfy with you.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Being chatty and outgoing helps you meet people this weekend. But, it's important to stop talking long enough to listen carefully to what's being said. That's because something you're hearing might not be quite accurate. Maintain a little skepticism.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)
Work comes first now, Cancer. Taking care of business might not be your idea of fun, but getting all of your responsibilities out of way gives you time to relax this weekend. And it's that kind of easygoing attitude it takes to enjoy yourself with another person.

LEO (July 23–August 22)
The Sun hits your house of partnership this week, Leo, which is likely to bring new people into your life. But they tend to be different than others you've known in the past. Too weird for you, or just the change of pace that you're looking for? You'll see.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22)
Helping others is a great way to help yourself now, Virgo. The more generous you are, the more compassion that you show, the more that you get in return. So be sure to accept any gifts or attention that you get now, because your sure deserve it.

LIBRA(September 23–October 22)
Fun starts early for you, Libra, so don't put off playtime until the weekend. Break out of your usual pattern and do something social on Monday or Tuesday, even if it means falling behind a little bit in your work.

SCORPIO (October 23–November 22)
A heart-to-heart conversation about an issue that you've been keeping to yourself can make a huge difference now, Scorpio. Sharing your secret might not be easy, but when you do, it will be so much easier to share joy with another person, as well.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)
You're even more high energy than usual this week, Sagittarius. This is great if you've got an outlet for it. Physical activity is one way to use it, going on an adventure with a new person is another. Sitting still, though, doesn't look like an option now.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)
Showing some vulnerability can bring a person closer to you this week, Capricorn. Sure, it can feel risky to show your soft side, but letting down your defenses is what it takes to let someone else in. Giving up control is a price well worth paying now.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
The Sun enters your sign on Wednesday, beginning your season. It's time to shine, Aquarius, dressing a little sharper, brightening up your appearance and attitude and not taking yourself to seriously. Being playful might bring you a playmate now.

PISCES (February 19–March 19)
You know how to take the initiative without coming across as pushy now, Pisces. Go for what (or who) you want with style and imagination and you won't hear "no" for an answer. Even the hard cases can be softened by your charm this week.

||1:55 PM||